Branding your business name will take a long, in the meantime, you can protect your business identity from competitors by registering your brand, logo, product, tagline, sounds, or related other identity marks under the Trademarks Act, 1999. Trademark applied for business is considered as intellectual property or valuable intangible asset which makes the business more trustworthy to its customers. Trademarks can be registered online with the Registrar of Trademarks, to prevent others from using the same. A trademark can be applied with the help of a legal professional where it goes through several submissions, trademark opposition procedures, and final advertisement of approval by the Registrar.

What is Trademark Registration?

Trademark Registration is an online process that goes through a round of applications to the Registrar of Trademarks for registration of a particular brand name, logo, text, color, sound, or related marks as a trademark. On going through a long process of trademark search, class selection, and objections / opposition, the registration process is completed with the final registrar’s approval.

In some cases, the registrar sends you a trademark objection notice in case there is any discrepancy in the application or he might send you a trademark opposition notice if a third party claims your application to be violating.

For online registration of trademark, you have to find a trademark class out of 45 trademark classes on the trademark registry and then select the appropriate for your trademark approval.

Under the Trademark registry, you can submit an application for :

1. Brand name registration
2. Logo /Symbol registration
3. Text/Signature registration
4. Abbreviations registration
5. Design registration
6. Tagline registration
7. Colour / Sound / Scent Mark registration .

Why apply for Trademark Registration?

A registered trademark entitles a legal right to the applicant/owner of the trademark to sue or object to other trademarks/’s contravening his registered trademark. It is beneficial to have a trademark :

1. To show how your idea/business/mark holds a unique proposition.
2. To protect it from misuse or infringement by competitors.
3. To show the potential in the business or its proposition to the investors.
4. To hold a legal standing in different government organizations as a unique identity.
5. To have an enforceable hold over your creation.

How Trademark Registration is different from Copyright and Patent Registration?

Trademark Registration is often confused with Patent or Copyright Registration while they all differ in terms of rights and powers issued to their owners. Patent Registration provides a right to the creator over his creation/invention to restrict it from re-selling, duplicacy, or re-invention without permission of the actual creator. For example patent for a prototype of a solar water pump.

Copyright is entitled to a creator of an art which can be either some literature/music or some artwork to protect it from its use without permission of the actual creator. For example – Copyright over books, songs, or some recordings.

Trademark Registration is done only for the protection of a particular brand name/logo/music label etc which can be presented on goods and services while patent and copyright registration are required to protect the recipe/secrets/creation formulas used in the creation of goods and services.

Copyright / Patent / Online Trademark Registration with

To register a trademark in India, there is a long and tiring process to be done with the Registrar of Trademarks. Further, Objections and Oppositions in Trademark application further hinder it as obstacles leaving the applicant behind from taking the first mover advantage in his area of expertise.

We at TaxGoal ensures seamless filing of application for Online trademark registration / Patent and Copyright Approvals. For those requiring assistance in Trademarks and the needed Intellectual Property rights, we deliver our expertise with our specialized service packages including packages for :

1. Online Trademark Registration in Delhi or anywhere in India.
2. Patent Registration / Copyright Registration.
3. Handling Trademark Compliances for Trademark Objections / Trademark Oppositions / Trademark Hearings and Trademark Renewal.
4. Provisional Patent Approvals / Copyright Objections.
5. Opposing Trademarks / Copyrights / Patent Applications by others.
6. Handling legal compliances for IP Infringement and much more.

Usually, a Trademark Application process takes about 3 to 5 months, in between the trademark filing experts there at Taxgoal keep you updated with the proceedings and constant actions performed towards your application.

For online registration of trademark and related compliances, you can connect with us at

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