How To File Income Tax Return With Taxgoal

With Taxgoal You can file your income tax return in simple steps.

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Step 1

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Our experts will collect and verify the necessary documents and file the required forms.

Step 2

Final update

You can start using the TM symbol as soon as the applications is submitted and you will receive updates until registration is complete.

Step 3

Public Limited Incorporation

Incorporating as a public limited company (plc) is a significant step for businesses looking to raise substantial capital and offer shares to the public. Alongwith this, If you intend to have your shares traded on a stock exchange, you’ll need to apply for listing according to the exchange’s requirements. Incorporating as a plc offers significant advantages in terms of access to capital and liquidity but comes with increased regulatory responsibilities and the need for robust governance practices to maintain public trust and compliance. It’s a strategic decision that requires careful consideration of legal, financial, and operational implications.


  1. Ownership and Shareholders: Plcs can have numerous shareholders, and their shares are publicly traded, allowing for liquidity and the ability to raise capital from the general public.
  2. Management Structure: Plcs are managed by directors appointed by shareholders. They must have a board of directors, including a chairman and executives responsible for day-to-day operations.
  3. Disclosure and Transparency: Plcs are required to disclose financial statements, annual reports, and other material information to shareholders and regulatory authorities. This transparency is crucial for maintaining trust and confidence in the company.
  4. Listing on Stock Exchange: Many plcs choose to list their shares on a stock exchange, which involves meeting specific listing requirements and complying with ongoing obligations such as timely reporting and corporate governance practices.
  5. Corporate Governance: Plcs must adhere to high standards of corporate governance to protect shareholders’ interests. This includes establishing independent boards, audit committees, and adopting policies that promote accountability and ethical conduct.
  6. Access to Capital: Being publicly traded allows plcs to raise capital more easily through the issuance of new shares or bonds, enabling them to fund growth initiatives, acquisitions, and other strategic objectives.
  7. Market Perception and Reputation: Plcs are often perceived as more stable and credible due to their public status and rigorous regulatory oversight. However, they may also face scrutiny from investors and media, requiring careful management of reputation and public relations.

It’s recommended to consult with professional to apply for Public Limited company Registration. At, we back up our clients with a team of Public Limited company Registration in Delhi to handle their requirements to obtain Public Limited company Registration.

Services Covered

When incorporating as a public limited company (plc), engaging the services of professionals can be highly beneficial. They have expertise in corporate law and incorporation processes Here are the key services typically required or recommended for plc incorporation:

  1. Legal Advice and Consultation:
    • Consultation with a corporate lawyer or legal firm specializing in company law to understand the requirements, implications, and legal considerations of incorporating as a plc.
  2. Drafting of Incorporation Documents:
    • Preparation and drafting of essential documents such as the Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, and Form IN01. These documents establish the company’s structure, objectives, governance framework, and compliance with legal requirements.
  3. Company Secretary Services:
    • Appointment of a company secretary or engaging a professional company secretarial service to assist with administrative duties, ensuring compliance with regulatory filings, and maintaining statutory records.
  4. Share Capital Structure Advice:
    • Guidance on determining the appropriate share capital structure, including the nominal value of shares, issuance of shares, and compliance with minimum capital requirements.
  5. Compliance and Regulatory Filings:
    • Ensuring compliance with statutory requirements, including submission of incorporation documents to the relevant government authority or registrar. This includes filing forms and paying associated fees.
  6. Tax and Financial Advisory:
    • Advice on tax implications and financial planning considerations related to plc incorporation, such as corporation tax, VAT registration, GST registration (if applicable), and financial reporting requirements.
  7. Corporate Governance Setup:
    • Assistance in establishing robust corporate governance practices, including the structure of the board of directors, audit committee formation, and adoption of corporate policies and procedures.
  8. Bank Account Setup:
    • Assistance with opening a corporate bank account for the plc, ensuring compliance with banking regulations and facilitating financial transactions.
  9. Additional Services:
    • Depending on specific needs, additional services such as trademark registration, intellectual property protection, and ongoing corporate maintenance may also be recommended.

For Whom the Plan is

Incorporating as a public limited company (plc) is typically suitable for businesses that have ambitious growth plans and require access to substantial capital from the public markets. Here are some scenarios where plc incorporation may be required or advantageous:

  1. Access to Public Capital Markets: Plcs can raise capital by issuing shares to the public through initial public offerings (IPOs) or subsequent equity offerings. This allows them to access a larger pool of investors and raise significant funds to finance expansion, acquisitions, research and development, or other strategic initiatives.
  2. Enhanced Prestige and Visibility: Being listed on a stock exchange can enhance a company’s credibility, visibility, and reputation in the market. It may also attract institutional investors and increase opportunities for partnerships and collaborations.
  3. Facilitating Mergers and Acquisitions: Plcs often have a stronger currency (their shares) to use for acquisitions, making it easier to negotiate and fund mergers or acquisitions of other companies.
  4. Shareholder Liquidity: Publicly traded shares provide liquidity for shareholders, allowing them to buy and sell shares freely on the stock exchange, which can attract and retain investors.
  5. Regulatory Requirements: In some industries or jurisdictions, becoming a plc may be a regulatory requirement, especially for larger companies with significant operations or market presence.
  6. Employee Incentives: Plcs can offer stock options or other equity-based incentives to employees, which can help attract and retain talent.
  7. Long-Term Growth Strategy: For companies with long-term growth strategies, plc status provides a platform to continuously raise capital, reinvest in the business, and sustain growth over time.

Exit Strategy: Founders and early investors may view going public as an exit strategy to realize their investments and unlock shareholder value.

Documents Required

When incorporating as a public limited company (plc), you will typically need to prepare and submit several key documents. The exact requirements can vary depending on the jurisdiction, but here are the common documents required for plc incorporation:


  • Identification Proof: Passport, driver’s license, or national identity card.
  • Proof of Address: Recent utility bill, bank statement, or government-issued document showing residential address.
  • Photograph: Passport-sized photograph of each director.


  • Identification Proof: Similar to directors, shareholders need to provide identification documents such as passport or national ID.
  • Proof of Address: As with directors, proof of residential address is required.
  • In some jurisdictions, especially where bearer shares are not allowed, the ultimate beneficial owner (UBO) of shares might need to be identified.

Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs):

  • Identification Proof: Passport or national ID of the UBO(s) who ultimately own or control the company.
  • Proof of Address: Residential address proof of the UBO(s).
  • Declaration of Ultimate Beneficial Ownership: Details of the individuals who own or control the company, including their percentage of ownership or control.

Registered Office Address:

  • Proof of Address: Document showing proof of the registered office address where the company will be headquartered.

Consent to Act:

  • Signed consent forms from each director and company secretary agreeing to act in their respective roles.

Shareholders Agreement (if applicable):

  • A shareholders agreement may be required if shareholders wish to set out additional rights and obligations beyond those covered by the articles of association.

Additionally, depending on your specific circumstances or industry, there may be additional documents or disclosures required. It’s recommended to consult with professional to apply for Public Limited company Registration. At, we back up our clients with a team of Public Limited company registration in Delhi to handle their requirements to obtain Public Limited company registration.

Free Quently Asked Questions

A plc is a type of company where ownership is divided into shares traded on a stock exchange or over-the-counter. It must include "Public Limited Company" or "PLC" in its name. Plcs are subject to stringent regulatory requirements and must comply with securities laws and corporate governance standards.

Incorporating as a plc allows a company to raise substantial capital by offering shares to the public through IPOs or subsequent equity offerings. It enhances the company's credibility, visibility, and access to a larger pool of investors. Plc status also provides liquidity for shareholders and can facilitate mergers, acquisitions, and strategic partnerships.

Key requirements include drafting and filing the Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, and Form IN01 with the relevant government authority. Other requirements may include appointing directors and company officers, establishing a registered office address, and complying with minimum share capital requirements.

No, becoming a plc is typically suited for larger companies with significant growth ambitions and the need to raise capital from the public markets. It is not mandatory for all companies and may not be suitable for smaller enterprises or those with more modest growth plans.

Plc’s have ongoing obligations including regular financial reporting, disclosure of material information to shareholders and the public, holding annual general meetings, maintaining corporate governance standards, and complying with stock exchange rules (if listed).

Listing a plc on a stock exchange involves meeting specific listing requirements of the exchange, which may include financial thresholds, corporate governance standards, and disclosure obligations. Companies typically work with financial advisors and legal counsel to navigate the listing process.

Costs can vary depending on jurisdiction, size of the company, and professional services engaged. They typically include incorporation fees, legal fees for drafting documents, regulatory filing fees, and ongoing compliance costs such as audit fees and fees associated with being listed on a stock exchange.

Risks include increased regulatory scrutiny and compliance costs, volatility in share prices, pressure from shareholders and analysts, and potential loss of control for founders and early investors. Plcs must also manage market perceptions and maintain investor confidence.

Yes, a plc can revert to a private limited company through a process known as "re-registration." This typically requires shareholder approval, compliance with regulatory requirements, and may involve delisting from a stock exchange if applicable.

It's advisable to consult inprofessionals who has vast experience in plc formation to ensure compliance and strategic guidance.

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