With Taxgoal You can file your income tax return in simple steps.
We conduct a thorough search of the TM directory and advice you on TM classes.
Our experts will collect and verify the necessary documents and file the required forms.
You can start using the TM symbol as soon as the applications is submitted and you will receive updates until registration is complete.
What is One Person Company (OPC)?
1. To form an OPC, only one Director is needed. 2 As per companies act limited company should conduct at least four Board meetings every year, this is not applicable for OPCs. 3. The provisions and regulations given in Section 98 and Sections from 100 to 111, which relate with general meetings, are also not applicable to OPCs. 4. An OPC also enjoys relaxations and exceptions from many other legal, governance, ad regulatory compliances. 5. The mandatory rotation of auditor after every five-year period, is also not applicable to an OPC.
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Taxgoal CA Service Provider
Taxgoal CA Service Provider
Taxgoal CA Service Provider